With over 85% of Irish people listening to Radio every day and an increase in online platforms, the School of Jock (radio workshop) provides some of the vital tools required for a career within the ever expanding media industry. 

Percentage based on a survey carried out by Ipsos MRBI, on behalf of Joint National Listenership Research (JNLR)

At School of Jock, we provide both the equipment and the necessary training required to help students run a successful College Radio station. 

As well as training the students in the mechanics of the schools new Radio Studio, we also mentor the broadcast teams in the following...

  • Research
  • Finding stories of interest
  • Preparing/writing/reading news
  • Finding your voice
  • Creating a programme format
  • Broadcasting techniques

Along with raising morale within the School/College, College Radio also creates a sense of community among students, instilling confidence and self belief, allowing students to excel academically.

Take your School/College to the next level.

For more information on the benefits of our College Radio workshop, feel free to browse our website, or contact us for a free quote.

Courtesy of British Pathe T.V.  www.britishpathe.tv